Get our free ebook 'How to Teach Your CRM to Solve Legal Problems'

On average, a salesperson spends only 34% of their work time actually selling. The rest is dedicated to administrative and non-revenue-generating tasks, such as contract management. To onboard more clients and bring more revenue, sales teams need to figure out one simple thing: how to close more deals, and spend less time doing it?

To pump up your toolset, and make your CRM legal friendly, we created this ebook that will help you:

  • Understand where modern software stands on the intersection between sales and legal
  • Identify the role contract management plays in your sales workflows, and the ways to bypass legal bottlenecks
  • Stay in the know of what to look for in contract management software to make sure it picks up your CRM processes and works towards sales goals.


An analysis of the present-day software landscape against the existing challenges sales teams face.

A breakdown of the role of self-service workflows in gaining sales momentum

A list of must have and non-obvious contract management software features that will ensure the synergy between CRM and legal.

Contract make up for 19% of the selling cycle. Become 100% better at them.